Approved Character Application

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New member
Mc username: Toby_Turtle1
Discord Name: Toby_Turtle1#0862
Character Name: Drefro
Age: 46
Nation: Kaigona
religion: N/A
Race: Northern Kallonian
Title/Job: Warrior

Drefro was born into the Kaigeona nation, a proud and fierce people who valued strength and courage above all else. Growing up, he was trained in the art of warfare and became a skilled warrior, feared and respected by his peers. Despite the relative peace and prosperity that the nation enjoyed, Drefro longed for something more. He yearned to see the world and to test his mettle against worthy opponents. As tensions rose across Northern Kallonia, Drefro saw an opportunity to leave his homeland and seek out new challenges. He joined a group of mercenaries who were hired to protect trade caravans and fend off raiders along the trade routes. It was during this time that he learned of the growing threat in the west, and the crumbling of the once-powerful Norkinian Empire. As he traveled from place to place, Drefro witnessed the increasing tensions between the Republic of Pacis and the neighboring Kingdoms of Aeigon and Kyrenthia. He also saw firsthand the devastation caused by the raiders and pirates who were taking advantage of the chaos. Despite the dangers, Drefro remained determined to see the world and to test his skills against the best warriors of the land. He joined the Order of Krynnis, hoping to gain even more experience and to be part of the preparations for the looming continent-wide conflict. At Fort Kordona, Drefro trained alongside other elite soldiers from across Northern Kallonia, honing his skills and preparing for the war that was sure to come. As tensions continued to rise and the threat in the west grew ever more ominous, Drefro remained steadfast in his resolve to defend his homeland and to prove himself as a warrior of great skill and valor. He knew that the road ahead would be perilous, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

I have not played any server part of patriam.

I agree to not break the following rules:
  • Remain and speak in-character when interacting with other players ingame, including both using text and voice chat
  • Keep all Out-Of-Character (OOC) communications to either the main Patriam discord or the separate Patriam Nations Discord
  • Ensure that the skin you use fits your character (i.e. must be human, match the culture of your character, etc.)
  • Uphold the immersion found within Patriam: Infinitus for the benefit of both yourself and others via participating faithfully and realistically in roleplay and in your interactions with others.
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