Approved Taahktchtlahtl Colonization Form

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New member

Background Information

Your Minecraft Username:

Your Vassal's Minecraft Username:

Discord Name#Identifier (Ex. Ryan#6907)

Your Vassal's Discord Name#Identifier (Ex. Ryan#6907)

Link to your character application (Please provide the link to the thread of your approved character application)

Link to your vassal's character application (Please provide the link to the thread of your vassal's approved character application)

Are you 16 years of age or older?

Is your vassal 16 years of age or older?

Nation-Related (Greater detail is expected!)

What province are you applying to colonise? (Please province the name of the province as per Patriam: The Age of Kings' Dynmap)

What colour does your realm use on the map? (Please provide a HEX code)

How many players will be joining your new vassal province upon acceptance? (Bonus points if they are already members of the Discord and can be named | Put N/A otherwise)
3 : Wojoke, Veymalasta (probably), Tmanav04

What is the permanent Discord invite for your home province and/or realm?

Detailed (Please answer the following in greater detail.)

What culture is your vassal province? (Ex: Nuokaenian, Drunathein, Proto-Watolian, etc.) [You can make up your own!]

What religion is your vassal province? (OPTIONAL)
Undefined Native Religion

What government type is your vassal province? (Bonus points for unique titles and/or systems of government)
Constitutional Monarchy

Why do you want to be colonise this province?
Complete the original goal of reinstating the great historical empire.

What is the background and/or history of your vassal province OR the history of your colonisation efforts in-lore? (Linking to Google Docs is acceptable, the more detail and relation to existing lore the better! And remember, colonising a province takes thousands of people in-lore, not just you and your two friends!)
Taahktchtlatl is a province once lost to time.

It was once two large trade ports, one placed at the intersection of the river, and one to the east side of the province, connecting it with Ahalleil. Over time, the central port developed into more of a military position, the city now aimed to control the rivers that connected to it. The city was named Kawasero, merging names from several cultures it had interacted with (most, now lost to time.) Many cultures have had their turn in converting the province, spreading new ideas and new languages into the land. After the fall of the old empire, the cities fell victim to raiders, being torn to the ground. With the emergence of the Hiwotsukeru, many of the old residents have been determined to return to their ancestral homelands.

The province was long ago converted to the Church of Choiros, and many still continue to follow it to this day.

The old king was known as the Rei’Choi, and the new lord wishes to use that title to unify his people under their old banner. While still subject of the Hiwotsukeru, The Rei’Choi retains a say in how his lands are run, and the matters within. A Shoran, a mayor, is able to rule to some degree over cities and small areas, but must still answer to the Rei’Choi, and the Tenno.

The river’s mouth provides access to the mainland, which proves fruitful to trade. Controlling that point allows for control of trade from Ahalleil, and that of the provinces to the south.

Any extra information/things you'd like to add?
Sorry about the delay. Apparently, this was accepted but Alex forgot to go ahead with the comment and thread acceptance. We apologize.
I have gone ahead and transferred Wojoke into Taahktchtlahtl and allied your faction to provide build perms.

If you have any questions or concerns. Do not hesitate to contact me or Alex!
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