Campaign icon

Server Bills

Overview Donations

Patriam has a bare metal dedicated server which allows us to have complete control and host any game server we desire and allocate as much resources as we need to it without having to pay more at large markups and at any point.

Our Minecraft server has been allocated FULL usage of a Ryzen 5 3600 CPU and 24GB DDR4 memory. A server such as this allows us to provide great performance to players and expand our community as it grows but also comes at a greater cost than just renting a static 10GB server that is sharing resources with other users on the host.

We would appreciate any help that you can provide towards our monthly server bills so that we can keep providing great content and superb performance to the community! This donation section has no return for the player but if you're looking for a little something in return (cosmetic only), then you can go to our webstore @



This month
Reset date
Apr 4, 2025


  1. Campaign goal
    $0.00 of $75.00